Agile from Anywhere

Run your IDE in your browser. Deploy your own self service Eclipse Che IDE on Cloudlet. 

Leverage Cloudlet’s extensive ecosystem marketplace to expand your environments. 

NEXT GENERATION IDE Collaboration for distributed teams

Developer Environments for Teams

Host on your Kubernetes cluster and centralize developer environments. Onboard teams with powerful collaboration, workspace automation, and permissions. Developers in a team can use their local IDE or the Che browser IDE.

  • Share workspaces with anyone
  • Control workspace permissions
  • Use a browser or desktop IDE
  • Define resource limits for teams

One-Click Workspaces

Create workspaces from production runtimes containing your projects and tools. Get developer environments that are highly consistent, repeatable and reproducible.

  • “Dev mode” production environments
  • Code in Kubernetes pods
  • Enjoy built-in browser IDE
  • Codify developer workspaces config

Enterprise Ready and Built in Security

Manage workspaces for your developer teams with programmable and customizable infrastructure that lets you control system performance, availability, and functionality.

  • Authenticate with Keycloak
  • Connect to LDAP or AD
  • In-House plug-ins and stacks registries
  • Built-in system monitoring

The Kubernetes-Native IDE for Developer Teams

Deploy Eclipse Che Now on OXIDE

Start a 15 Day free Trail. Click the Install button and deploy your own Docker container with Eclipse Che in minutes.

The starting size is 1 Reserved Cloudlet (128MB RAM) that can automatically scale to 32 Dynamic Cloudlets (4GB RAM).

Trial Registration

You can register for a 15 day trial with the login form for the Oxide Cloud dashboard.

Just one simple step and you are in the cloud.